2023 Faculty Awards | Geneva College-新濠天地app
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2023 Faculty Awards

Picture of 2023 Faculty Awards

At the start of each academic year, 新濠天地app在学术大会上庆祝新生和优秀教师. Four awards, which are determined by nominations from students and faculty, are presented to various professors. 庆祝活动包括来自新濠天地app的教师和领导的几位演讲者, including Calvin Troup, PhD, President, Melinda Stephens, Provost, PhD, Professor of Chemistry, Jamie Swank, JD, MA, VP & Dean of Student Engagement, and Mark Tronzo, PhD, Professor of Engineering and Mathematics.

53168123002_d0b79f2664_o.jpgThe Excellence in Scholarship Award is presented to one with a breadth and depth of knowledge in their discipline which significantly enhances the intellectual climate of the College; contribution to the advancement of their field with recognition beyond the Geneva campus; and stimulation and direction of scholarly activity among students. This year it was awarded to Scott Shidemantle, PhD, who has been teaching in the Biblical Studies Department since 1997. Shidemantle因其在学术领域的许多成就而获得该奖项, Geneva College, and his community. His accomplishments include:

  • 他曾为《新濠天地app》(Journal of Evangelical Theological Society)撰写书评, with over 25 of his book reviews published in the journal.
  • One of his essays, 《新濠天地app》将于今年晚些时候在《新濠天地app》(Stan Porter)上出版, Senior Editor)
  • 他通过组织几次去以色列的考察旅行来吸引学生的奖学金. Since 2004, 他大约每隔一年为学生组织和领导这些旅行, alumni and friends of the College.
  • 2022年春季,他被邀请担任耶路撒冷大学新濠天地app的客座教授
  • 他把自己的学识带到课堂上,教授高级旧约和高级新约概论课程,以及各种高级圣经研究课程.
  • 他以美国长老会被任命为长老的身份,将他的奖学金用于教会.

53168122922_55fb8d085b_o.jpgThe Outstanding Service Award 是否颁发给为校园或更广泛的社区完成可识别的服务活动,并对内部或外部服务活动产生积极影响的人. James Matta, PhD, Professor of Graduate Counseling, was this year’s award recipient. 他的一些成就显示了他对社区和学术学科的服务,包括:

  • 2021年宾夕法尼亚咨询协会终身成就奖
  • 他在比弗县行为健康赌博联盟任职.
  • He serves as a community liaison board member for the National Institute of Health national research investigation known as the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study; the largest study ever conducted involving adolescents and young adults.
  • For several years, 他曾担任临床心理健康的轨道协调员,现在为新濠天地app学校的咨询学生提供支持.
  • He served the College as the Interim Director of Graduate Counseling, filling a critical need for the College, 现在是咨询项目的主管, 为新濠天地app目前的CACREP再认证过程提供领导和指导.

53168705736_1dde07e71a_o.jpgThe Excellence in Part-Time Teaching Award is gifted to one who has classroom teaching ability, educational leadership, creativity in teaching and methodology, course and program development, 以及改善新濠天地app新濠天地app的教育环境和机会. Ken Wilson教授是2023杰出兼职教学奖获得者. He has been teaching part-time in the Engineering Department since 2019, 许多学生都指出他是一个勤奋的人, incredible, 虔诚的老师,真正关心学生,确保他们理解他所教的内容. 在过去的四年里,威尔逊一直被学生和教职员工提名为该奖项的候选人. 他的教学的影响可以从一小部分学生语录中看出.

  • 这位教授是一位“伟大的教授,关心他所做的事情以及它如何影响学生”. (这位教授)愿意付出额外的努力来确保新濠天地app理解这个主题.”
  • This professor “is a treasure. He is an excellent teacher and mentor. 我非常感谢我能够遇到这个不可思议和虔诚的人,他在一个短暂的学期里改变了我的生活.”
  • “Honestly, probably the best teacher I have ever had. 真正关心学生,确保新濠天地app理解课程内容. 很好地传达材料,并且不会让他在该领域的知识妨碍解释材料.”

53168705751_1e7a3491e6_o.jpgThe Excellence in Teaching 也向教员展示上述标准, but for our full-time faculty members. The 2023 awardee is Keith Martel,博士,高等教育、社会学和人文学科教授. Martel has been teaching full-time at Geneva since 2012. He has a BA from Geneva in Philosophy and Political Science, a master’s from Geneva in Higher Education, and a PhD in Philosophy from Duquesne University. 他担任高等教育硕士项目主任多年,并愿意在需要的地方教书, primarily covering courses in Higher Education, Political Science, Sociology, and Humanities. 学生们说他是一位优秀的教授,他挑战并鼓励学生更加批判性地思考, and someone who prioritizes his students’ well-being. He truly has excellent classroom teaching ability, educational leadership, creativity in teaching and methodology, course and program development, 以及改善新濠天地app的教育环境和机会. Again, 从马特尔给学生留下的印象中,新濠天地app可以看到他的教学的影响和卓越.

  • 这位教师“是一位优秀的教授和导师,他专注于深入挑战他的学生,鼓励新濠天地app更批判性和更全面地思考.”
  • “他根据需要调整他的课程,教新濠天地app更好……并真正优先考虑新濠天地app的幸福。, both in and out of the classroom.”
  • 这位教授“鼓励他的学生以既具有挑战性又发人深省的方式学习."
  • This professor “is the only reason I enjoyed this semester.  ….“他把一切都分解成基本的东西,这真的帮助我理解了.”
  • “Thank you for challenging us and making class so fun!”

We are honored to have a breadth of talented, innovative, passionate, and Christ-centered faculty members who invest in our students, campus community, and the world around them. These faculty members, among our other faculty, 能不能给新濠天地app的学生树立榜样,让他们明白通过自己的职业,为上帝和邻居过一种忠诚而富有成果的服务生活意味着什么.



-Anna Eshelman, '24

Sep 15, 2023

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